Welcome To Delonix Public School

School is the first time when your very young child goes out and learn some stimulating things.

We understand it will be hard for parents to provide their child with something uncertain. To make the whole process easy and smooth, we, Delonix adds fun to the normal education.

Children are the great learners and they learn the best through experimenting and performing things. So the most effective way of teaching a child is by letting him participate in different activities. It will help in promoting the overall development of a child and offer opportunities to learn the language, skills, cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. We ensure that every child in our school will be given equal opportunities to learn, discover and participate in numerous activities so that they can grow and develop at the same pace.

Since the Beginning, we will provide your toddlers and infants with a chance of exploring the rich environment of language and movement to foster fundamental skills and concrete foundation for their development.


Our Mission

To create an enviroment in which every child feels nourished, nurtured and supported to become the best they can be. To Provide learning opportunities in a non-competitive, loving, respectful and caring enviroment that nurtures a positive self-image of every child and creates in them an intrinsic love of learning.

The role of Education is to bring out the nobility and maximise the potential of every child through a carefully planned enviroment that addresses all aspects of a child’s development: body, mind, heart and spirit.

Our Vision

To inspire every child for life, through a rounded education of a child’s body, mind, heart and spirit, to help them grow into complete and balanced human beings, able to recognize their potential as contributing and successful members of their family, society, country and the world.

Enduring it’s key attributes to provide quality education to every child and to create an environment that supports holistic development. Delonix ventured into school segment with the vision to create a formal school system that is highly regarded for its academic excellence and endeavours to raise socially conscious and responsible individuals.